Lindy Weilgart





Material relating to letter in Marine Mammal Science

(October 2005; vol. 21, no. 4):

“Signal-to-noise: Funding structure versus ethics as a solution to conflict-of-interest response to resonance and dissonance: Science, ethics, and the sonar debate". Marine Mammal Science 20: 898 - 899. Weilgart et al. 2005.

Email exchange between representative of operational US Navy and official of Office of Naval Research

Notarized authentication of above email exchange






Simmonds, M.P., Dolman, S.J., Jasny, M., Parsons, E.C.M., Weilgart, L., Wright, A.J. and Leaper, R. 2014. Marine noise pollution – increasing recognition but need for more practical action. J. Ocean Technol. 9 (1): 70-90.


Weilgart, L.S. 2014. Are we mitigating underwater noise-producing activities adequately?: a comparison of Level A and Level B cetacean takes. International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee document SC/65b/E07, 18 pp.


Weilgart, L. 2013. Alternative quieter technologies to seismic airguns for collecting geophysical data. In: von Nordheim, H., Maschner, K., and Wollny-Goerke, K. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe 2012. BfN-Skripten 339: 127-134.


Weilgart, L. (ed.). 2010. Are There Technological Alternatives to Airguns for Oil and Gas Exploration to Reduce Potential Noise Impacts on Cetaceans? Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, August 15-20, Cork, Ireland.


Wade, L., Whitehead, H., and L. Weilgart. 2010. Conflict of interest in research on anthropogenic noise and marine mammals: does funding bias conclusions? Marine Policy 34: 320-327.3


Weilgart, L.S. 2007. The need for precaution in the regulation and management of undersea noise. J. Int. Wildlife Law and Policy 10:3, 247-253.


Wright, A.J., N. Aguilar Soto, A.L. Baldwin, M. Bateson, C.M. Beale, C. Clark, T. Deak, E.F. Edwards, A. Fernández, A. Godinho, L.T. Hatch, A. Kakuschke, D. Lusseau, D. Martineau, L.M. Romero, L.S. Weilgart, B.A. Wintle, G. Notarbartolo-di-Sciara, and V. Martin. 2007. Do marine mammals experience stress related to anthropogenic noise? Int. J. Comp. Psych. 20: 274-316.


Weilgart, L.S. 2007. The impacts of anthropogenic ocean noise on cetaceans and implications for management. Can. J. Zool. 85: 1091-1116.


Weilgart, L.S. 2007. A brief review of known effects of noise on marine mammals. Int. J. Comp. Psych. 20: 159-168.


Weilgart, L.S. 2006. Managing noise through Marine Protected Areas around global hot spots. International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee document SC/58/E25, 12 pp.


Weilgart, L., H. Whitehead, L. Rendell, and J. Calambokidis, J. 2005. Signal-to-noise: funding structure vs. ethics as a solution to conflict-of-interest. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 21 (4): 779-781.


Weilgart, L.S. and H. Whitehead. 1993. Coda communication by sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off the Galápagos Islands. Can. J. Zool. 71: 744-752.


Weilgart, L.S. and H. Whitehead. 1990. Vocalizations of the North Atlantic pilot whale (Globicephala melas) as related to behavioral contexts. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 26: 399-402.


Weilgart, L.S. 1990. Vocalizations of the Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) off the Galápagos Islands as Related to Behavioral and Circumstantial Variables. Ph.D. thesis, Dalhousie University.



Presentations, Testimonies, Papers


Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Victoria, B.C., Canada, June 1997. Human-generated noise and marine environment: objections to ATOC and LFA sonar and suggestions for future protocols

Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Whales Alive Conference, Maui, HI., January 1997. ATOC and LFA sonar: undersea noise pollution and the limitations of science.

Link to Testimony for LFA hearing, 7 Feb. 1998

The threat of underwater noise on whales: management in light of scientific limitations. Conference of Impact of Acoustics on Marine Organisms. Berlin, 17-19 June 2002

Seismic testing and the impacts of high intensity sound on whales. Talk for Suzuki Foundation, February 2004

Comments on the Acoustic Exposure Criteria EIS, 7 March, 2005

Comments on the Statement of Canadian Practice for the Mitigation of Seismic Noise in the Marine Environment, 13 April 2005


Weilgart, L. (2013). “A review of the impacts of seismic airgun surveys on marine life.” Submitted to the UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) Expert Workshop on Underwater Noise and its Impacts on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity, 25-27 February 2014, London, UK. Available at: (Document: Seismic Airgun Impacts)




Okeanos Reports


Agardy, T., N. Aguilar Soto, A. Cañadas, M.H. Engel, A. Frantzis, L.T. Hatch, E. Hoyt, K. Kaschner, E. LaBrecque, V. Martin, G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, G. Pavan, A. Servidio, B. Smith, J. Wang, L. Weilgart, B. Wintle, and A. Wright. 2007. Report on the Scientific Workshop: A Global Scientific Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Management of Noise, 4-6 June 2007, Puerto Calero, Lanzarote, 44 pp. Available at:


Wright, A.J. (ed) 2008. International Workshop on Shipping Noise and Marine Mammals, Hamburg, Germany, 21st-24th April 2008. Okeanos - Foundation for the Sea, Auf der Marienhöhe 17, D-64297 Darmstadt. 33+v p.


Wright, A.J. (Ed.). Report of the Workshop on Assessing the Cumulative Impacts of Underwater Noise with Other Anthropogenic Stressors on Marine Mammals: From Ideas to Action. Monterey, California, USA, 26th-29th August, 2009. Okeanos - Foundation for the Sea, pp. 19-26. Available from:


Weilgart, L. (Ed.). 2010. Report of the Workshop on Alternative Technologies to Seismic Airgun Surveys for Oil and Gas Exploration and their Potential for Reducing Impacts on Marine Mammals. Monterey, CA, USA, 31 August-1 Sept. 2009. Okeanos - Foundation for the Sea. Available from:






Last Updated: 25 November 2015