Sascha K. Hooker, Robin W. Baird, Sa'ad Al-Omari, Shannon Gowans and Hal Whitehead. 2001.
Fishery Bulletin 99: 303-308.
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Abstract -
The effects of invasive or intrusive research techniques need to be
thoroughly documented in order to satisfy appropriate standards of animal care. How
cetaceans react to either biopsy darting or tag attachment procedures has been studied
for several species, and considerable interspecific variability in responses has been
demonstrated; however, few studies have compared reactions to both techniques. In the family
Ziphiidae (the beaked whales) nothing has previously been reported on responses to
either technique. We examined and compared the reactions of northern bottlenose whales
(Hyperoodon ampullatus) to biopsy darting and tagging. Reactions to both these
procedures were generally low-level and short-lived; stronger responses were given to hits
than to misses. There was no statistical difference in observed response to tag versus
biopsy hits. The prior behavioral state of the whales appeared to influence the
magnitude of reaction to both hits and misses and thus may be an important factor
to consider in impact assessment. Whales lying still at the surface showed stronger
reactions than traveling or milling animals. Sea state appeared to affect whether
there was a reaction to misses. Whales were more likely to respond to a miss in calm
sea conditions. No avoidance of the research vessel was observed following a tag or
biopsy attempt, and in most cases whales re-approached the research vessel again within
several minutes.