Teaching assistant
- Behavioural Ecology - Dalhousie University - Fall 2006
Field work
Narwhal natural markings & behaviour - Nunavut - Summers 2006 & (soon) 2007
In the framework of my MSc thesis I have been conducting field work in the Canadian Arctic.
The main goal of my thesis is to develop photo-identifcation and to write a computer software to automate
the identication. I am doing this work in close collaboration with Marianne Marcoux
, A PhD candidate a McGill. For more information on our project, please visit the narwhal website |

Sperm whale behaviour - Dominica - Winter 2007
I had the chance to work with Shane Gero, a PhD Candidate of Hal Whitehead, on his project on
the behaviour of the sperm whales in the Eastern Caribbean. |
Little brown bats social structure - Nova Scotia - Fall 2005
I worked with Krista Patriquin, a PhD Candidate of Dr. Leonard.
The main goal of her project is to elucidate the social structure of the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus).
We spent two months in caves close to Halifax.
Some nights were spent catching bats.
Before releasing the animals, we took skin samples and measure them.
The rest of the time was used to observe the behaviour of the bats. |

Sperm whale - Sargasso Sea - Spring 2005
I had the great opportunity to work six weeks onboard of Balaena, the Whitehead lab sailboat, where I helped at many task such as talking pictures, recording and filming the whales, collecting skin samples, following the whales with acoustic methods, and driving the boat.
The Sargasso Sea field work is part of a Whitehead lab ongoing project focussing on sperm whale behaviour, ecology and population biology. |
Long-finned pilot whale natural markings and behaviour- Nova Scotia - Summers (2003-2006)
I dedicated the 2003 and 2004 summers in the collection of data for my honours thesis.
I was interested in the natural marks found on the bodies of pilot whales and their use for individual identification.
This study was part of an ongoing research project conducted by the Whitehead lab.
- Other
Since my honour degree is completed I have been working, on the side, on the pilot whale data.
I am currently working on a paper on the behaviour of the pilot whales.
Each year, I am also helping the new students to get their field work set up. |

MICS carry research on large rorqual whales, such as the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus).
They are interested in many aspects on the biology and ecology of these whales.
My role at this research station varied from taking notes to approaching the animals with inflatable boats. |
Workshop attendance
- Statistical Methods for Marine Ecological Data
- Pleasure Craft Operator Card
- Sailing training at the Glénans & Damacha
© Copyright, Marie Auger-Méthé, 2005-2007 All Rights Reserved.