Journals Survey (conducted in 1997)

The following table was compiled from an email survey sent out to various journals known to publish marine mammal papers.
JOURNAL No. subscribers (countries) No. libraries (countries) Acceptance rate Time submission to publication. No. issues/year
Aquatic Mammals 165 (29) 61 (17) 15% no revisions 72% with revisions ~ 9 mo. 3
Biological Conservation ~600-1000 ~ 9 mo.
California Fish and Game 1,060 (35) 283 (~ 35) 65% 9 mo. 4
Canadian Field-Naturalist 1695 (22) 486 (21) 1% no revisions, 44% major revisions, 40% minor revisions ~12-13 mo. 4
Canadian Journal of Zoology 1130 (International) 897 60% 10 mo. 12
CJFAS 1695 (International) (Canada: 327; USA: 845; Foreign: 523) 50% 2 mo. to > 1 year 12
Conservation Biology 5108 (86) - 20-25% 14 mo.(variable) 6
Evolutionary Ecology - (International) (N Amer 54%, Asia 9%, Europe 27%, Rest 10%) 78% institutional ( of highest at Chapman and Hall) confidential 14.5 mo. (8.7 mo. sub. to accept.) 6
Journal of Mammalogy - - 40% 18 mo. 4
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 816 members (32) 300 exchanges - 70% 11 mo. 4
Mammal Review 1565 (UK, Europe, ex-pats) 268 (34 UK, 50 Europe, 4 Japan, 119 N.Am., 36 Elsewhere, 26 Abs/Ed) 78% (last 5 years) 14.9 months (n=41, sd 6mo, range 5-31 mo)
Mammalia - - 50-60% 12-13 mo. 4
Marine Ecology Progress Series confidential (46) almost all subscriptions are library subscriptions 70% -(acceptance to pub.: 3 mo.)
Marine Environmental Research - - 40% 10-12 months
Marine Mammal Science 1325 (International) (US: 822; Canada: 102; Mexico: 14; Other: 387) 253 (International) (US: 137; Canada: 26; Mexico: 1; Other: 89) mid 60% range (1995) ~ 17 mo. (based on Oct 1997 issue) 4
Marine Pollution Bulletin (one of more highly sold journals; International) - 34% 7-12 mo. (2 mo. ref, 2 mo. changes, 3-5 mo. pub) 12
Marine Technology Society 2500 (all) 235 (all) not known 6 mo.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 1426 (38) 487 46% June 96-May 97 78 days (Vol 13) 12
Nature 55,000 (worldwide) (estimated readership 150,000 worldwide) 10% - 52
Oecologia (International) (25% N.Amer; 50% Europe; 25% rest of world) (classified) 55% - 16?
OIKOS (70) - - - 9
Proceedings of the Royal Society (B) 900 (International) 900 65% - (target pub. time: 3-4 mo., av receipt to accept: 25 days) 12
Rep. Int. Whal. Commn. 100 (8) 63 (6) 50% 1 yr. 1
TREE - - articles solicited 12

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Last Updated February, 1998 by Sascha Hooker