Publications from the Whitehead lab. (1977-present)


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In Press 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1977-1992


In press


Publications 2024


Feyrer, L.J., J.E. Stanistreet, C. Gomez, M. Adams, J.W. Lawson, S.H. Ferguson, S.G. Heaslip, K.J. Lefort, E. Davidson, N.E. Hussey, H. Whitehead and H. Moors-Murphy. 2024. Identifying important habitat for northern bottlenose and Sowerby’s beaked whales in the western North Atlantic. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34: e4064. Journal article


Vachon, F., L. Rendell, S. Gero and H. Whitehead. 2024. Abundance estimate of Eastern Caribbean sperm whales using large scale regional surveys. Marine Mammal Science: e13116 PDF


Whitehead, H. 2024. Sperm whale clans and human societies. Royal Society Open Science 11: 231353 Journal article


Publications 2023


Kelly, N.E., L. Feyrer, H. Gavel, O. Trela, W. Ledwell, H. Breeze, E.C. Marotte, L. McConney and H. Whitehead. 2023. Long term trends in floating plastic pollution within a marine protected area identifies threats for endangered northern bottlenose whales. Environmental Research 227: 115686. PDF


Whitehead, H., J.K.B. Ford and A.G. Horn. 2023. Using culturally transmitted behavior to help delineate conservation units for species at risk. Biological Conservation 285: 110239. PDF


Zwamborn, E., N. Boon and H. Whitehead.  2023. Collective decision-making in aquatic mammals. Mammal Review 53: 238-253. PDF


Zwamborn, E., S. Walmsley and H. Whitehead. 2023. Flanking female guides: collective decision-making in long-finned pilot whales. Animal Behaviour 205: 149-159. PDF



Publications 2022


Hersh, T.A., S. Gero, L. Rendell, M. Cantor, L. Weilgart, M. Amano, S.M. Dawson, E. Slooten, C.M. Johnson, I. Kerr, R. Payne, A. Rogan, R. Antunes, O. Andrews, E.L. Ferguson, C.A. Hom-Weaver, T.F. Norris, Y.M. Barkley, K.P. Merkens, E.M. Oleson, T. Doniol-Valcroze, J.F. Pilkington., J. Gordon, M. Fernandes, M. Guerra, L. Hickmott and H. Whitehead. 2022. Symbolic marking in non-human cultures: evidence from sperm whale clans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 119: e2201692119. PDF


Kowarski, K., S. Cerchio, H. Whitehead, D. Cholewiak and H. Moors-Murphy. 2022. Seasonal song ontogeny in western North Atlantic humpback whales: drawing parallels with songbirds. Bioacoustics 31:450-469. Journal article


Tavares, S.B., H. Whitehead and T. Doniol-Valcroze. 2022. Assessing social structure: a data-driven approach to define associations between individuals. Mammalian Biology 102, 551-566. Journal article


Vachon, F., A. Eguiguren, L. Rendell, S. Gero and H. Whitehead. 2022. Distinctive, fine-scale distribution of Eastern Caribbean sperm whale vocal clans reflects island fidelity rather than environmental variable. Ecology and Evolution 12:e 9449. Journal article


Vachon, F., T.A. Hersh, L. Rendell, S. Gero and H. Whitehead.  2022. Ocean nomads or island specialists? Culturally driven habitat partitioning contrasts in scale between geographically isolated sperm whale populations. Royal Society Open Science 9: 211737.  Journal article Video abstract


Whitehead, H., and T.A. Hersh. 2022. Posterior probabilities of membership of repertoires in acoustic clades. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0267501. Journal article


Whitehead, H., and M. Shin. 2022. Current global population size, post-whaling trend and historical trajectory of sperm whales. Scientific Reports 12: 19468. Journal article



Publications 2021


Brakes, P., E.L. Carroll, S.R.X. Dall, S.A. Keith, P.K. McGregor, S.L. Mesnick, M.J. Noad, L. Rendell, M.M. Robbins, C. Rutz, A. Thornton, A. Whiten, M.J. Whiting, L.M. Aplin, S. Bearhop, P. Ciucci, V. Fishlock, J.K.B. Ford, G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, M.P. Simmonds, F. Spina, P.R. Wade, H. Whitehead, J. Williams and E.C. Garland. 2021. A deepening understanding of animal culture brings novel perspectives to conservation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288: 20202718 Journal article


Feyrer, L.J., M. Stewart, J. Yeung, C. Soulier and H. Whitehead.  2021.  Origin and persistence of markings in a long-term photo-identification dataset reveal the threat of entanglement for endangered northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus). Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 620804. PDF


Hersh, T.A., S. Gero, L. Rendell and H. Whitehead.  2021. Using identity calls to detect structure in acoustic datasets. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12: 1668-1678 Journal article


Kowarski,K., S. Cerchio, H. Whitehead and H. Moors-Murphy. 2021. Where, when, and why do western North Atlantic humpback whales begin to sing? Bioacoustics 31:450-469. Journal article


Kowarski, K.A. and H. Moors-Murphy. 2021. A review of big data analysis methods for baleen whale passive acoustic monitoring. Marine Mammal Science 37:652–673 PDF


McComb-Turbitt, S., J. Costa, H. Whitehead and M. Auger-Méthé. 2021. Small-scale spatial distributions of long-finned pilot whales change over time, but foraging hotspots are consistent: significance for marine wildlife tourism management. Marine Mammal Science 37:1196–1211 PDF


Whitehead, H., T.D. Smith and L. Rendell. 2021. Adaptation of sperm whales to open-boat whalers: rapid social learning on a large scale? Biology Letters 17: 20210030 Journal article PDF


Publications 2020


Eguiguren A., E. Pirotta, K. Boerder, M. Cantor, G. Merlen and H. Whitehead. 2020 Historical and contemporary habitat use of sperm whales around the Galápagos Archipelago: Implications for conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2020: 1–16. PDF


Feyrer, L., S.T. Zhao, H. Whitehead and C.J.D. Matthews 2020. Prolonged maternal investment in northern bottlenose whales alters our understanding of beaked whale reproductive life history. PLoS ONE15: e0235114. PDF


Kobayashi, H., H. Whitehead and M. Amano. 2020. Long-term associations among male sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). PLoS ONE 15(12): e0244204 PDF


Kowarski, K.A., B.J. Gaudet, A.J. Cole, E.E. Maxner, S.P. Turner, S.B. Martin, H.D. Johnson, and J.E. Moloney. 2020. Near real-time marine mammal monitoring from gliders: Practical challenges, system development, and management implications. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148(3): 1215-1230. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2020. Cultural specialization and genetic diversity: killer whales and beyond. Journal of Theoretical Biology 490: 110164  PDF


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Publications 2019


Brakes, S.R.X. Dall, L.M. Aplin, S. Bearhop, E.L. Carroll, P. Ciucci, V. Fishlock, J.K.B. Ford, E.C. Garland, S.A. Keith, P.K. McGregor, S.L. Mesnick, M.J. Noad, G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, M.M. Robbins, M.P. Simmonds, F. Spina, A. Thornton, P.R. Wade, M.J. Whiting, J. Williams, L. Rendell, H. Whitehead, A. Whiten and C. Rutz. 2019. Animal cultures matter for conservation. Understanding the rich social lives of animals benefits international conservation efforts. Science 363: 1032-1034. PDF


Cantor, M., S. Gero, H. Whitehead and L. Rendell.  2019. Sperm whale, the largest toothed creature on Earth.  In: Ethology and behavioral ecology odontocetes. Edited by B. Würsig. Springer: 261-280. Info


Clarke, E., L.J. Feyrer, H. Moors-Murphy and J. Stanistreet. 2019. Click characteristics of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) and Sowerby's beaked whales (Mesoplodon bidens) off eastern Canada. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146: 307-315. PDF


Eguiguren, A., E. Pirotta, M. Cantor, L. Rendell and H. Whitehead. 2019 Habitat use of culturally distinct Galápagos sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) clans. Marine Ecology Progress Series 609: 257-270. PDF


Einfeldt, A.L., D.N. Orbach and L.J. Feyrer, 2019. A method for determining sex and chromosome copy number: sex-by-sequencing reveals the first two species of marine mammals with XXY chromosome condition. Journal of Mammalogy 5: 1671-1677. PDF


Feyrer, L.J., P. Bentzen, H. Whitehead, I.G. Paterson and A. Einfeldt. 2019. Evolutionary impacts differ between two exploited populations of northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus). Ecology and Evolution 9: 13567–13584. PDF


Hooker, S. K., N. Aguilar De Soto, R.W. Baird, E.L. Carroll, D. Claridge, L. Feyrer, P.J.O. Miller, A. Onoufriou, G. Schorr, E. Siegal and H. Whitehead. 2019. Future directions in research on beaked whales. Frontiers in Marine Science 5: 514. PDF


Konrad, C.M., T. Frasier, H. Whitehead and S. Gero. 2018. Kin selection and allocare in sperm whales. Behavioral Ecology 30: 194-201. PDF


Kowarski, K.A., H. Moors-Murphy, E.E. Maxner, and S. Cerchio. 2019. Western North Atlantic humpback whale fall and spring acoustic repertoire: Insight into onset and cessation of singing behavior. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145: 2305-2316. PDF


Rendell, L., M. Cantor, S. Gero, H. Whitehead and J. Mann. Causes and consequences of female centrality in cetacean societies. 2019. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374: 20180066. PDF


Weiss, M.N., D.W. Franks, D.P. Croft and H. Whitehead.  2019. Measuring the complexity of social associations using mixture models. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 8. PDF


Whitehead, H., K.N. Laland, L. Rendell, R. Thorogood and A. Whiten. 2019. The reach of gene-culture coevolution in animals. Nature Communications 10: 1038. PDF



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Publications 2018


Beslin, W.A.M., H. Whitehead and S. Gero. Automatic acoustic estimation of sperm whale body lengths achieved through machine recognition of on-axis clicks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144: 3485-3495. PDF


Bøttcher, A., S. Gero, K. Beedholm, H. Whitehead and P.T. Madsen.  2018. Variability of the inter-pulse interval in sperm whale clicks with implications for size estimation and individual identification. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144: 365-374. PDF


Konrad, C.M., S. Gero, T. Frasier and H. Whitehead. 2018. Kinship influences sperm whale social organization within, but generally not among, social units.  Royal Society Open Science 5: 180914.  PDF


Konrad, C.M., T. Frasier, L. Rendell, H. Whitehead and S. Gero. 2018. Kinship and association do not explain vocal repertoire variation among individual sperm whales or social units. Animal Behaviour 145: 131-140. PDF


Kowarski, K.A., C. Evers, H. Moors‐Murphy, B. Martin, and S.L. Denes. 2018. Singing through winter nights: Seasonal and diel occurrence of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) calls in and around the Gully MPA, offshore eastern Canada. Marine Mammal Science 34: 169-189. PDF


Vachon, F., H. Whitehead and T.R. Frasier. 2018.  What factors shape genetic diversity in cetaceans? Ecology and Evolution 8: 1554-1572.  PDF


Whitehead, H. 2018. Culture and social learning in marine mammals. In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 3rd ed. Edited by B Würsig, J.G.M. Thewissen and K.M. Kovacs. Academic Press, San Diego: 232-234.


Whitehead, H. 2018. Sperm whale. In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 3rd ed. Edited by B Würsig, J.G.M. Thewissen and K.M. Kovacs. Academic Press, San Diego: 919-925.



Whitehead, H., and J.K.B. Ford. 2018. Consequences of culturally-driven ecological specialization: killer whales and beyond. Journal of Theoretical Biology 456: 279-294.  PDF


Wong, J.B. and M. Auger-Méthé. 2018. Using laser photogrammetry to measure long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas). Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science 49: 269-291.  PDF


Würsig, B. and H. Whitehead. 2018. Aerial behavior. In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 3rd ed. Edited by B Würsig, J.G.M. Thewissen and K.M. Kovacs. Academic Press, San Diego: 6-10.


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Publications 2017


Augusto, J.F., T.R. Frasier and H. Whitehead.  2017. Social structure of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) off northern Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Behaviour 154: 509-540.  PDF


Cantor, M., A. Eguiguren, G. Merlen and H. Whitehead. 2017. Galápagos sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus): waxing and waning over three decades.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: 645–652. PDF


Cantor, M., M.M. Pires, F.M. Marquitti, R.L. Raimundo, E. Sebastián-González, P.P. Coltri, S.I. Perez, D.R. Barneche, D.Y. Brandt, K. Nunes and F.G. Daura-Jorge. 2017. Nestedness across biological scales. PLOS ONE 12: 0171691. PDF


Konrad, C.M., A. Dupuis, S. Gero and T. Frasier. 2017 A sexing technique for highly degraded cetacean DNA. Aquatic Mammals 43: 655-660. PDF


Orbach, D.N., B. Hedrick, B. Würsig, S.L. Mesnick and P.L.R. Brennan. 2017. The evolution of genital shape variation in female cetaceans.  Evolution PDF


Orbach, D.N., D.A. Kelly, M. Solano and P.L.R. Brennan PLR. 2017. Genital interactions during simulated copulation among marine mammals.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20171265. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2017. Gene-culture coevolution in whales and dolphins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 114: 7814-7821. PDF


Whitehead, H. and L. Rendell. 2017.  Deep culture.  In: Deep Thinkers.  Edited by J. Mann. Ivy Press, London: 122-143. Info


Whitehead, H., F. Vachon and T.R. Frasier. 2017. Cultural hitchhiking in the matrilineal whales, Behavior Genetics 47: 324-334. PDF


Zwamborn, E., and H. Whitehead. 2017. The baroque potheads: modification and embellishment in repeated call sequences of long-finned pilot whales.  Behaviour 154: 963-979. PDF



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Publications 2016


Atkins, S., M. Cantor, N. Pillay, G. Cliff, M. Keith and G.J. Parra. 2016. Net loss of endangered humpback dolphins: integrating residency, site fidelity, and bycatch in shark nets. Marine Ecology Progress Series 555: 249-260. PDF


Augusto, J.F., T.R. Frasier and H. Whitehead. 2016. Characterizing alloparental care in the pilot whale (Globicephala melas) population that summers off Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. Marine Mammal Science 33: 440-456. PDF


Beirão-Campos, L., M. Cantor, L. Flach and P.C. Simões-Lopes. 2016 Guiana dolphins form social modules in a large population with high ranging overlap and small demographic changes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 1821-1830. PDF


Cantor, M., H. Whitehead, S. Gero and L. Rendell.  2016.  Cultural turnover among Galápagos sperm whales. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160615. PDF


Findlay, R., E. Gennari, M. Cantor and D.P. Tittensor. 2016. How solitary are white sharks: social interactions or just spatial proximity? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 1735-1744. PDF


Franks, D.W., S. Nattrass, L.J.N. Brent, H. Whitehead, A.D. Foote, S. Mazzi, J.K.B. Ford, K.C. Balcomb, M.A. Cant and D. P. Croft. 2016. The significance of post-reproductive lifespans in killer whales: Reply to Robeck et al. Journal of Mammalogy 97: 906-909. PDF


Gero, S., A. Bøttcher, H. Whitehead and P. Madsen.  2016.  Socially segregated, sympatric sperm whale clans in the Atlantic Ocean.  Royal Society Open Science 3: 160061. PDF


Gero, S., and H. Whitehead. 2016. Critical decline of the eastern Caribbean sperm whale population. PLOS ONE 11:e0162019. PDF


Gero, S., H. Whitehead and L. Rendell.  2016.  Individual, unit, and vocal clan level identity cues in sperm whale codas.  Royal Society Open Science 3:150372. PDF


Rathinakumar, A., M. Cantor, K. Senthilkumar, P. Vimal, P. Kaliraj and G. Marimuthu. 2016. Social grooming among Indian short-nosed fruit bats. Behaviour 154: 37-63. PDF


Whitehead. H. 2016. Consensus movements by groups of sperm whales. Marine Mammal Science 32:1402-1415. PDF


Yen, J.D.L., R.B. Cabral, M. Cantor, I. Hatton, S. Kortsch, J. Patrício and M. Yamamichi. 2016. Linking structure and function in food webs: maximization of different ecological functions generates distinct food web structures. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 537–547. PDF


Zwamborn, E., and H. Whitehead. 2016. Repeated call sequences and behavioural context in long-finned pilot whales off Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. Bioacoustics 26: 169-183. PDF


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Publications 2015


Au, W., J. Ford, L.M. Herman, P., Nachtigall, S. Ridgway, J. Thomas, R. Wells, H. Whitehead, C.M. Johnson and D.L. Herzing. 2015.  Visions of the future.  In Dolphin Communication & Cognition. Edited by C.M. Johnson and D.L. Herzing.  MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Info


Cantor, M. and S. Gero. 2015.  The missing metric: quantifying contributions of reviewers. Royal Society Open Science 2: 140540. PDF


Cantor, M., L.G. Shoemaker,  R.B. Cabral, C.O. Flores, M.Varga and H. Whitehead. 2015. Multilevel animal societies can emerge from cultural transmission. Nature Communications 6: 8091. PDF


Cantor, M. and H. Whitehead. 2015. How does social behavior differ among sperm whale clans? Marine Mammal Science 31: 1275-1290. PDF


Farine, D.R., and H. Whitehead. 2015. Constructing, conducting and interpreting animal social network analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 1144–1163. PDF


Gero, S., J. Gordon and H. Whitehead. 2015.  Individualized social preferences and long-term social fidelity between social units of sperm whales. Animal Behaviour 102: 15-23. PDF


Pires, M.M., M. Cantor, P.R. Guimarães, M. Aguiar, S.F. Reis and P. Coltri. 2015. The network organization of protein interactions in the spliceosome is reproduced by the simple rules of food-web models. Scientific Reports 5, 14865. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2015.  Life history evolution: What does a menopausal killer whale do? Current Biology 25: R225-226. PDF


Whitehead, H. and S. Gero. 2015. Conflicting rates of increase in the sperm whale population of the eastern Caribbean: positive observed rates do not reflect a healthy population. Endangered Species Research 27: 207-218. PDF


Whitehead, H. and R. James. 2015. Generalized affiliation indices extract affiliations from social network data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6:836-844. PDF


Whitehead, H. and L. Rendell. 2015. The cultural lives of whales and dolphins. University of Chicago Press. Info

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Publications 2014


Beirão, L., M. Cantor, L. Flach and C.A.B. Galdino. 2014. Performance of computer-assisted photographic matching of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis). Aquatic Mammals 40: 313-316. PDF


Cavechia, L., M. Cantor, A. Begossi and N. Peroni. 2014. Resource-use patterns in swidden farming communities: Implications for resilience of cassava diversity. Human Ecology 42: 605-616. PDF


Gero, S., M. Milligan, C. Rinaldi, P. Francis, J. Gordon, C. Carlson, A. Steffen, P. Tyack, P. Evans and H. Whitehead. 2014. Behavior and social structure of the sperm whales of Dominica, West Indies. Marine Mammal Science 30: 905-922. PDF


Kowarski, K.A., J.F. Augusto, T.R. Frasier and H. Whitehead. 2014. Effects of remote biopsy sampling on long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in Nova Scotia. Aquatic Mammals 40: 117-125.  PDF


Lodi, L., M. Cantor, F.G. Daura-Jorge and C. Monteiro-Neto. 2014. A missing piece from a bigger puzzle: declining occurrence of a transient group of bottlenose dolphins off southeastern Brazil. Marine Ecology 35: 516-527. PDF


Moors-Murphy, H.B. 2014. Submarine canyons as important habitat for cetaceans, with special reference to the Gully: A review. Deep-Sea Research II 104: 6-19. PDF


Whitehead, H. and S. Gero. 2014. Using social structure to improve mortality estimates; an example with sperm whales.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 27-36. PDF


Wong, S.N.P., and H. Whitehead. 2014. Seasonal occurrence of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) around Kelvin Seamount in the Sargasso Sea in relation to oceanographic processes. Deep Sea Research I 91: 10-16. PDF

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Publications 2013


Augusto, J.F., T.R. Frasier and H. Whitehead.  2013.  Using photography to determine sex in pilot whales (Globicephala melas) is not possible: Males and females have similar dorsal fins. Marine Mammal Science 29: 213-220.  PDF


Cantor, M., and H. Whitehead. 2013. The interplay between social networks and culture: theoretically and among whales and dolphins.  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 368.  PDF


Gero, S., J. Gordon and H. Whitehead. 2013. Calves as social hubs: dynamics of the social network within sperm whale units.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280: 20131113.  PDF


Godde, S., L. Humbert, S.D. Côté, D. Réale, and H. Whitehead. 2013. Correcting for the impact of gregariousness in social network analyses.  Animal Behaviour 85: 553-558.  PDF


Gómez-Salazar, C., F. Trujillo and H. Whitehead. 2013. Population size estimates of pink river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) using mark-recapture methods on photo-identification. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals 9: 40-46.  PDF


O’Brien, K. and H. Whitehead. 2013. Population analysis of Endangered northern bottlenose whales on the Scotian Shelf seven years after the establishment of a Marine Protected Area.  Endangered Species Research 21: 273–284. PDF


Whitehead, H. and I.D. Jonsen. 2013. Inferring animal densities from tracking data using Markov chains. PLoS ONE 8(4): e60901.  PDF


Whitehead, H. 2013. Trends in cetacean abundance in the Gully submarine canyon, 1988–2011, highlight a 21% per year increase in Sowerby’s beaked whales (Mesoplodon bidens). Canadian Journal of Zoology 91: 141-148.  PDF

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Publications 2012


Gomez-Salazar, C., M. Coll, and H. Whitehead. 2012. River dolphins as indicators of ecosystem degradation in large tropical rivers. Ecological Indicators 23: 19-26.  PDF


Gomez-Salazar, C., F. Trujillo, M. Portocarrero-Aya and H. Whitehead. 2012. Population, density estimates and conservation of river dolphins (Inia and Sotalia) in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. Marine Mammal Science 28:124-153.  PDF


Gomez-Salazar, C., F. Trujillo, and H. Whitehead. 2012. Ecological factors influencing group sizes of river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis). Marine Mammal Science 33: 1142-1164. PDF


Rendell, L., S.L. Mesnick, M.L. Dalebout, J. Burtenshaw and H. Whitehead. 2012.  Can genetic differences explain vocal dialect variation in sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus? Behavior Genetics 42: 332-343. PDF


Senigaglia, V. and H. Whitehead.  2012. Synchronous breathing by pilot whales. Marine Mammal Science 28: 213-219. PDF


Whitehead, H., R. Antunes, S. Gero, S.N.P. Wong, D. Engelhaupt and L. Rendell. 2012. Multilevel societies of female sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in the Atlantic and Pacific: why are they so different? International Journal of Primatology 33: 1142-1164. PDF


Whitehead, H. and S.K. Hooker. 2012. Uncertain status of the northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus): population fragmentation, legacy of whaling, and current threats. Endangered Species Research 19: 47-61. PDF


Whitehead, H., and D. Lusseau. 2012. Animal social networks as substrate for cultural behavioural diversity. Journal of Theoretical Biology 294: 19-28. PDF

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Publications 2011


Antunes, R., T. Schulz, S. Gero, H. Whitehead, J. Gordon and L. Rendell. 2011. Individually distinctive acoustic features in sperm whale codas. Animal Behaviour 81: 723-730. PDF


Auger-Méthé, M., M. Marcoux, H. Whitehead. 2011. Computer-assisted photo-identification of narwhals. Arctic 64: 342-352.  PDF


Caro, T., K. Beeman, T. Stankowich and H. Whitehead. 2011. The functional significance of colouration in cetaceans. Evolutionary Ecology 25: 1231-1245.  PDF


Gomez-Salazar, C., F. Trujillo, and H. Whitehead. 2011. Photo-identification: a promising and noninvasive tool to study pink river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis). Aquatic Mammals 37: 473-485.  PDF


Horrocks, J., D.C. Hamilton and H. Whitehead. 2011. A likelihood approach to estimating animal density from binary acoustic transects. Biometrics 67: 681-690.  PDF


Schulz, T.M., H. Whitehead, S. Gero and L. Rendell. 2011. Individual vocal production in a sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) social unit. Marine Mammal Science 27: 149-166.  PDF


Whitehead, H.  2011.  The cultures of whales and dolphins.  In: Whales and dolphins: cognition, culture, conservation and human perceptions.  Edited by P. Brakes and M. P. Simmonds.  Earthscan, London, U.K. Info

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Publications 2010


Auger‑Méthé, M., Marcoux, M. and H. Whitehead.  2010. Nicks and notches of the dorsal ridge: Promising mark types for the photo-identification of narwhals. Marine Mammal Science 26: 663-678.  PDF


Wade, L., H. Whitehead and L. Weilgart.  2010.  Conflict of interest in research on anthropogenic noise and marine mammals: does funding bias conclusions? Marine Policy 34: 320-327.  PDF


Whitehead, H.  2010.  Conserving and managing animals that learn socially and share cultures. Learning and Behavior 38: 329-336.  PDF


Whitehead, H., O’Brien, K. and B. Worm. 2010.  Diversity of deep-water cetaceans and primary productivity. Marine Ecology Progress Series 408: 1-5. PDF


Whitehead, H. and S. Van Parijs.  2010.  Studying marine mammal social systems. In: Marine mammal ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques.  Edited by I. Boyd, D. Bowen and S. Iverson.  Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.  PDF Info

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Publications 2009

Bejder, L., A. Samuels, H. Whitehead, H. Finn and S. Allen. 2009. Use and misuse of habituation, sensitisation and tolerance to describe wildlife responses to anthropogenic stimuli in impact assessment research. Marine Ecology Progress Series 395: 177-185.   PDF


Engelhaupt,D., A.R. Hoelzel, C. Nicholson, A. Frantzis, S. Mesnick, S. Gero, H. Whitehead, L. Rendell, P. Miller, R. De Stefanis, A. Cañadas, S. Airoldi and A.A. Mignucci-Giannoni. 2009. Female philopatry in coastal basins and male dispersion across the North Atlantic in a highly mobile marine species, the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). Molecular Ecology 18: 4193–4205.  PDF


Gero, S., D. Engelhaupt, L. Rendell and H. Whitehead.  2009.  Who Cares? Between-group variation in alloparental care-giving in sperm whales.  Behavioral Ecology 20: 838-843.  PDF


Nemiroff, L., and H. Whitehead. 2009. Structural characteristics of pulsed calls of long-finned pilot whales Globicephala melas. Bioacoustics 19: 67-92. PDF


Schulz, T., H. Whitehead, and L. Rendell. 2009. Off-axis effects on the multi-pulse structure of sperm whale coda clicks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125: 1768-1773.  PDF


Whitehead, H., and P.J. Richerson. 2009.  The evolution of conformist social learning can cause population collapse in realistically variable environments. Evolution and Human Behavior 30: 261-273.  PDF


Whitehead, H. 2009. Estimating abundance from one‑dimensional passive acoustic surveys.  Journal of Wildlife Management 73: 1000-1009.  PDF


Whitehead, H. 2009. SOCPROG programs: analyzing animal social structures. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63:765-778.  PDF


Whitehead, H. 2009. How might we study culture? A perspective from the ocean. In: The question of animal culture.  Edited by R. N. Laland, and B. Galef. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.: 125-152.

Top of page

Publications 2008


Gero, S., D. Engelhaupt, and H. Whitehead. 2008. Heterogeneous social associations within a sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, unit reflect pairwise relatedness. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 143-151.  PDF


Higham, J.E.S. and D. Lusseau. 2008. Slaughtering the goose that lays the golden egg. Are whaling and whalewatching mutually exclusive? Current Issues in Tourism 11: 63-74.


Hooker, S. K., T. L. Metcalfe, C. D. Metcalfe, C. M. Angell, J. Y. Wilson, M. J. Moore and H. Whitehead.  2008.  Changes in persistent contaminant concentration and CYP1A1 protein expression in biopsy samples from northern bottlenose whales, Hyperoodon ampullatus, following the onset of nearby oil and gas development.  Environmental Pollution 152: 205-216. PDF


Lusseau, D.,  H. Whitehead and S. Gero. 2008. Incorporating uncertainty into the study of animal social networks.  Animal Behaviour 75: 1809-1815. PDF


Marino, L., C. Butti, R. C. Connor, R. E. Fordyce, L. M. Herman, P. R. Hof, L. Lefebvre, D. Lusseau, B. McCowan, E. A. Nimchinsky, A. A. Pack, J. S. Reidenberg, D. Reiss, L. Rendell, M. D. Uhen, E. Van der Gucht and H. Whitehead.  2008.  A claim in search of evidence: Reply to Manger's thermogenesis hypothesis of cetacean brain structure.  Biological Reviews 83: 417-440.   PDF


Schulz, T., H. Whitehead, S. Gero, and L. Rendell. 2008. Overlapping and matching of codas in vocal interactions between sperm whales: insights into communication function. Animal Behaviour 76:1977-1988.  PDF


Smith, T.D., R.R. Reeves, E.A. Josephson, J.N. Lund and H. Whitehead.  2008.  Sperm whale catches and encounter rates during the 19th and 20th centuries: an apparent paradox.  In: Oceans past: management insights from the history of marine animal populations.  Edited by D.J. Starkey, P. Holm, and M. Barnard.  James & James / Earthscan, London, U.K.: 149-173.  PDF


Whitehead, H.  2008.  Precision and power in the analysis of social structure using associations.  Animal Behaviour 75: 1093-1099. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2008. Analyzing animal societies: quantitative methods for vertebrate social analysis. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Info


Whitehead, H. 2008.  Social and cultural evolution in the ocean. Convergences and contrasts with terrestrial systems.  In: The Deep Structure of Biology.  Edited by S. Conway-Morris.  Templeton Foundation Press, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: 143-160.


Whitehead, H., B. McGill and B. Worm.  2008.  Diversity of deep-water cetaceans in relation to temperature: implications for ocean warming.  Ecology Letters 11: 1198-1207.   PDF


Whitehead, H., A. Coakes, N. Jaquet and S. Lusseau. 2008. Movements of sperm whales in the tropical Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 361: 291-300. PDF

Top of page

Publications 2007


Auger-Méthé, M. and H. Whitehead. 2007. The use of natural markings in studies of long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas). Marine Mammal Science 23: 77-93. PDF


Gero, S. and H. Whitehead. 2007. Suckling behavior in sperm whales calves: observations and hypotheses. Marine Mammal Science 23: 398-413. PDF


Gero, S., J. Gordon, C. Carlson, P. Evans and H. Whitehead. 2007.  Population estimate and inter-island movement of sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus, in the Eastern Caribbean sea.  Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 9: 143-150. PDF


Higham, J.E.S. and Lusseau D. 2007. Urgent need for empirical research into whaling and whalewatching. Conservation Biology 21: 554-558. PDF


Higham, J.E.S. and Lusseau D. 2007. Defining critical habitats: the spatio-ecological approach to managing tourist-wildlife interactions. In: Critical Issues in Ecotourism: Understanding a complex tourism phenomenon. Edited by J.E.S. Higham. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Publications, Oxford, UK: 256-269.


Higham, J.E.S. and D. Lusseau. 2007. The spatio-ecological approach to managing wildlife-tourist interactions. In: Marine Wildlife and Tourism Management Edited by J.E.S. Higham, and M. Lück. CAB International Publishing, Oxford, UK.


Lusseau, D. 2007. Understanding the impacts of noise on marine mammals. In: Marine Wildlife and Tourism Management Edited by J.E.S. Higham, and M. Lück. CAB International Publishing, Oxford, UK.


Lusseau, D. 2007. Why are male social relationships complex in the Doubtful Sound bottlenose dolphin population? PLoS ONE 2(4): e348. doi10.1371/journal.pone.0000348 PDF


Lusseau, D. 2007. Evidence for social role in a dolphin social network. Evolutionary Ecology 21(3). PDF


Marcoux, M., L. Rendell, and H. Whitehead.  2007.  Indications of fitness differences among vocal clans of sperm whales.  Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 1093-1098. PDF


Marcoux, M., H. Whitehead, and L. Rendell. 2007. Sperm whale feeding variation by location, year, social group and clan: Evidence from stable isotopes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 333:309-314. PDF


Marino, L., R. C. Connor, R. E. Fordyce, L. M. Herman, P. R. Hof, L. Lefebvre, D. Lusseau, B. McCowan, E. A. Nimchinsky, A. A. Pack, L. Rendell, J. S. Reidenberg, D. Reiss, M. D. Uhen, E. Van der Gucht and H. Whitehead.  2007.  Cetaceans have complex brains for complex cognition.  PDF


Weilgart, L. 2007. The impacts of anthropogenic ocean noise on cetaceans and implications for management.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 85(11):1091–1116. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2007. Learning, climate and the evolution of cultural capacity. Journal of Theoretical Biology 245: 341-350. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2007. Selection of models of lagged identification rates and lagged association rates using AIC and QAIC. Communications in Statistics–Simulation and Computation 36:1233-1246. PDF

Top of page

Publications 2006


Bejder, L., A. Samuels, H. Whitehead, and N. Gales. 2006. Interpreting short-term behavioural responses to disturbance within a longitudinal perspective. Animal Behaviour 72:1149-1158. PDF


Bejder, L., A. Samuels, H. Whitehead, N. Gales, J. Mann, R. Connor, M. Heithaus, J. Watson-Capps, and C. Flaherty. 2006. Decline in relative abundance of bottlenose dolphins exposed to long-term disturbance. Conservation Biology 20: 1791-1798. PDF


Dalebout, M. L., D. E. Ruzzante, H. Whitehead, and N. I. Øien. 2006. Nuclear and mitochondrial markers reveal distinctiveness of a small population of bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) in the western North Atlantic. Molecular Ecology 15:3115-3129. PDF


Ferrer i Cancho, R., and D. Lusseau. 2006. Long-range correlation in the surface behaviour of dolphins. Europhysics Letters 74(6): 1095-1101. PDF


Lusseau, D. 2006. The short-term behavioral reactions of bottlenose dolphins to interactions with boats in doubtful sound, New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 22:802-818. PDF


Lusseau, D., E. Slooten, and R.J. Currey. 2006. Unsustainable dolphin watching activities in Fiordland, New Zealand. Tourism in Marine Environments 3(2) PDF


Lusseau, D. 2006. Why do dolphins jump? Interpreting the behavioural repertoire of bottlenose dolphins in Doubtful Sound, New Zealand. Behavioural Processes PDF


Marcoux, M., H. Whitehead, and L. Rendell. 2006. Coda vocalizations recorded in breeding areas are almost entirely produced by mature female sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 84: 609-614. PDF


Schulz, T., L. Rendell, H. Whitehead. 2006. A remotely-piloted acoustic array for studying sperm whale vocal behaviour. Canadian Acoustics 34: 54-55.


Weinrich, M. T., H. Rosenbaum, C. S. Baker, A. L. Blackmer, and H. Whitehead. 2006. The influence of maternal lineages on social affiliations among humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on their feeding grounds in the Southern Gulf of Maine. Journal of Heredity 97: 226-234. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2006. Sperm whales in ocean ecosystems. In: Whales, whaling and ocean ecosystems. Edited by J. A. Estes, D. P. DeMaster, D. F. Doak, T. M. Williams, and R. L. Brownell. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA: 324-334.


Williams, R., and D. Lusseau. 2006. A killer whale social network is vulnerable to targeted removals. Biology Letters PDF


Williams, R., D. Lusseau and P.S. Hammond P.S. 2006. Potential energetic cost to killer whales of disturbance by vessels and the role of a marine protected area. Biological Conservation PDF

Top of page

Publications 2005


Beekmans, B. W. P. M., H. Whitehead, R. Huele, L. Steiner, and A. G. Steenbeek. 2005. Comparison of two computer-assisted photo-identification methods applied to sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). Aquatic Mammals 31: 243-247. PDF


Connor, R., and H. Whitehead. 2005. Alliances II. rates of encounter during resource utilization: a general model of intrasexual alliance formation in fission-fusion societies. Animal Behaviour 69: 127-132. PDF


Dalebout, M. L., K. M. Robertson, A. Frantzis, D. Engelhaupt, A. A. Mignucci-Giannoni, R.J. Rosario-Delestre, and C. S. Baker. 2005. Worldwide structure of mtDNA diversity among Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris); implications for threatened populations. Molecular Ecology PDF


Endo, T., K. Haraguchi, Y. Hotta, Y. Hisamichi, S. Lavery, M. L. Dalebout, and C. S. Baker. 2005. Total mercury, methyl mercury, and selenium levels in the red meat of small cetaceans sold for human consumption in Japan. Environmental Science and Technology 39: 5703-5708. PDF


Gero, S., L. Bejder, H. Whitehead, J. Mann and R. C. Connor. 2005. Behaviourally specific preferred associations in bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops sp. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83:1566-1573 PDF


McAuliffe, K. and H. Whitehead. 2005. Eusociality, menopause and information in matrilineal whales. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20: 650. PDF


Rendell, L. and H. Whitehead. 2005. Coda playbacks to sperm whales in Chilean waters. Marine Mammal Science 21: 106-115.


Rendell, L. E., and H. Whitehead. 2005. Spatial and temporal variation in sperm whale coda vocalisations: Stable usage and local dialects. Animal Behaviour 70: 191-198. PDF


Rendell, L., H. Whitehead and A. Coakes. 2005. Do breeding male sperm whales show preferences among vocal clans of females? Marine Mammal Science 21: 116-120.


Weilgart, L, H. Whitehead, L. Rendell and J. Calambokidis. 2005. Signal-to-noise: funding structure versus ethics as a solution to conflict-of-interest. Marine Mammal Science 20: 898-899.PDF

Email exchange between representative of operational US Navy and official of Office of Naval Research (Notarized authentication of email exchange)


Whitehead, H. 2005. Genetic diversity in the matrilineal whales: models of cultural hitchhiking and group-specific non-heritable demographic variation. Marine Mammal Science 21: 58-79.PDF


Whitehead, H., L. Bejder, and A. C. Ottensmeyer. 2005. Testing association patterns: issues arising and extensions. Animal Behaviour 69: e1-e6. PDF


Whitehead, H., and R. Connor. 2005. Alliances I: how large should alliances be? Animal Behaviour 69: 117-126. PDF


Whitehead, H., and R. Reeves. 2005. Killer whales and whaling: the scavenging hypothesis. Biology Letters PDF Appendix


Whitehead, H., and T. Wimmer. 2005. Heterogeneity and the mark-recapture assessment of the Scotian Shelf population of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:2573-2585. PDF


Wimmer, T., and H. Whitehead. 2005. Movements and distribution of northern bottlenose whales,Hyperoodon ampullatus, on the Scotian Slope and in adjacent waters. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82: 1782-1794. PDF

Top of page

Publications 2004


Coakes, A.K, and H. Whitehead. 2004. Social structure and mating system of sperm whales off northern Chile. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82: 1360-1369. PDF


Dalebout, M.L., C.S. Baker, J. G. Mead, V. G. Cockcroft and T. K. Yamada. 2004. A comprehensive and validated molecular taxonomy of beaked whales, family Ziphiidae. Journal of Heredity 95: 459-473. PDF


Dalebout, M.L., K. G. Russell, M. J. Little and P. Ensor. 2004. Observations of live Gray’s beaked whales (Mesoplodon grayi) in Mahurangi Harbour, North Island, New Zealand, with a summary of at-sea sightings. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 34: 347-356. PDF


Durrell, J. L., I. A. Sneddon, N. E. O’Connell, and H. Whitehead. 2004. Do pigs form preferential associations? Applied Animal Behaviour Science 89: 41-52. PDF


Rendell, L. E., and H. Whitehead. 2004. Do sperm whales share coda vocalizations? Insights into coda usage from acoustic size measurement. Animal Behaviour 67: 865-874. PDF


Rendell, L., H. Whitehead, and R. Escribano. 2004. Sperm whale habitat use and foraging success off northern Chile: evidence of ecological links between coastal and pelagic systems. Marine Ecology Progress Series 275: 289-295. PDF


Samuels, A. and L. Bejder. 2004. Chronic interactions between humans and wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near Panama City Beach, Florida. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 6: 69-77.


Vonhof, M. J., H. Whitehead, and M. B. Fenton. 2004. Analysis of Spix's disk-winged bat association patterns and roosting home ranges reveal a novel social structure among bats. Animal Behaviour 68: 507-521. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2004. The group strikes back: follow protocols for behavioral research on cetaceans. Marine Mammal Science 20: 304-310. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2004. Whale culture and conservation. In: Encyclopedia of animal behavior, Vol. 1. Edited by M. Bekoff. Greenwood Press, Wesport, Connecticut: 466-468.


Whitehead, H., and L. Rendell. 2004. Movements, habitat use and feeding success of cultural clans of South Pacific sperm whales. Journal of Animal Ecology 73:190-196. PDF


Whitehead, H., L. Rendell, R. W. Osborne, and B. Würsig. 2004. Culture and conservation of non-humans with reference to whales and dolphins: review and new directions. Biological Conservation 120: 431–441. PDF

Top of page

Publications 2003


Allen, S. and L. Bejder. 2003. Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis) sightings on the Australian coast and the increasing potential for entanglement. Pacific Conservation Biology 9: 228-233.


Bejder, L. and A. Samuels. 2003. Evaluating impacts of nature-based tourism on cetaceans. In: N. Gales, M. Hindell, R. Kirkwood (eds.) Marine Mammals: Fisheries, Tourism and Management Issues. CSIRO Publishing. 480 pp.


Ottensmeyer, C. A., and H. Whitehead. 2003. Behavioural evidence for social units in long-finned pilot whales. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:1327-1338. PDF


Rendell, L. E., and H. Whitehead. 2003. Comparing repertoires of sperm whale codas: a multiple methods approach. Bioacoustics 14:59-79. PDF


Rendell, L. & Whitehead, H. 2003. Vocal clans in sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus).Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences. 270:225-231. PDF


Samuels A., Bejder, L., Constantine R., and Heinrich, S. 2003. A review of swimming with wild cetaceans with a specific focus on the Southern Hemisphere. In: N. Gales, M. Hindell, R. Kirkwood (eds.) Marine Mammals: Fisheries, Tourism and Management Issues. CSIRO Publishing. 480 pp.


Weilgart, L. 2003. Acoustic smog. In: Between species; celebrating the dolphin-human bond. Edited by T. Frohoff and B. Peterson. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco:230-238.


Whitehead, H., C. D. Macleod, and P. Rodhouse. 2003. Differences in niche breadth among some teuthivorous mesopelagic marine mammals. Marine Mammal Science 19: 400-406. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2003. Sperm whale societies; social evolution in the ocean. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 431pp .Info


Whitehead, H. 2003. Society and culture in the deep and open ocean: the sperm whale. In:Animal social complexity. Intelligence, culture and individualized societies, ed. F. B. M. de Waal, and P. L. Tyack. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 444-464.

Top of page

Publications 2002


Baird, R. W. 2002. Killer whales of the world: natural history and conservation. Voyageur Press, Stillwater, MN


Baird, R. W. 2002. False killer whale Pseudorca crassidens. In Encyclopedia Of Marine Mammals. Edited by W.F. Perrin, B. Wursig and J.G.M. Thewissen. Academic Press, San Diego


Baird, R. W. 2002. Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus In Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Edited by W.F. Perrin, B. Wursig and J.G.M. Thewissen. Academic Press, San Diego


Baird, R. W., P. J. Stacey, D. A. Duffus and K. M. Langelier. 2002. An evaluation of gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) mortality incidental to fishing operations in British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 4: 289-296. PDF


Baird, R. W., J. F. Borsani, M. B. Hanson, and P. L. Tyack. 2002. Diving and night-time behaviour of long-finned pilot whales in the Ligurian Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 237: 301-305. PDF


Bejder, L. & B. K. Hall. 2002. Limbs in whales and limblessness in other vertebrates: mechanisms of evolutionary and developmental transformation and loss. Evolution and Development 4(6) : 445-458.


Berrow, S.D., B. McHugh, D. Glynn, E. McGovern, K.M. Parsons, R.W. Baird and S.K. Hooker. 2002. Organochlorine concentrations in resident bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Shannon estuary, Ireland. Marine Pollution Bulletin 44: 1296-1313. PDF


Dillon, M.C., K.R. Richard, H. Whitehead and J.M. Wright. 2002. Social and population genetic structure of sperm whales assessed by molecular genetic analyses. In: Molecular and cell biology of marine mammals Edited by C. Pfeiffer. Krieger, Malabar, Florida: 43-52.


Goold, J., H. Whitehead, and J. Reid. 2002. North Atlantic sperm whale strandings on the coastlines of the British Isles and eastern Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist. 116:371-388.


Hooker, S.K., H. Whitehead, and S. Gowans. 2002. Ecosystem consideration in conservation planning: energy demand of foraging bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) in a marine protected area. Biological Conservation 104: 51-58. Abstract


Hooker, S.K., and H. Whitehead. 2002. Click characteristics of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus). Marine Mammal Science 18: 69-80. Abstract


Hooker, S.K., H. Whitehead, S. Gowans, and R.W. Baird. 2002. Fluctuations in distribution and patterns of individual range use of northern bottlenose whales. Marine Ecology Progress Series225: 287-297. Abstract


Letteval, E., C. Richter, N. Jaquet, E. Slooten, S. Dawson, H. Whitehead, J. Christal, and P. McCall Howard. 2002. Social structure and residency in aggregations of male sperm whales.Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 1189-1196. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2002. Culture in whales and dolphins. In: Encyclopedia of marine mammals Edited by W.F. Perrin, B. Würsig and H.G.M. Thewissen. Academic Press, San Diego


Whitehead, H. 2002. Breaching. In: Encyclopedia of marine mammals Edited by W.F. Perrin, B. Würsig and H.G.M. Thewissen. Academic Press, San Diego


Whitehead, H. 2002. The sperm whale. In: Encyclopedia of marine mammals Edited by W.F. Perrin, B. Würsig and H.G.M. Thewissen. Academic Press, San Diego


Whitehead, H. 2002. Culture in whales and dolphins. In: Encyclopedia of marine mammals Edited by W.F. Perrin, B. Würsig and H.G.M. Thewissen. Academic Press, San Diego


Whitehead, H. 2002. Estimates of the current global population size and historical trajectory for sperm whales. Marine Ecology Progress Series 242: 295-304. PDF


Whitehead, H., P. J. Richerson, and R. Boyd. 2002. Cultural selection and genetic diversity in humans. Selection 3: 115-125. PDF

Top of page

Publications 2001


Baird, R.W. 2001. Status of killer whales, Orcinus orca, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist115:676-701.


Baird, R.W. 2001. Status of harbour seals, Phoca vitulina, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist115: 663-675.


Baird, R.W., A.D. Ligon, S.K. Hooker, and A.M. Gorgone. 2001. Sub-surface and night-time behaviour of pantropical spotted dolphins in Hawaii. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79: 988-996.Abstract


Bejder, L. and Dawson, S. 2001 Abundance, residency, and habitat utilisation of Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) in Porpoise Bay, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research: 35: 277-287. Abstract


Christal, J., and H. Whitehead. 2001. Social affiliations within sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) groups. Ethology 107: 323-340. PDF


Dalebout, M.L., S.K. Hooker, and I. Christensen. 2001. Genetic diversity and population structure among northern bottlenose whales, Hyperoodon ampullatus, in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79: 478-484. Abstract


Gowans, S., H. Whitehead, and S.K. Hooker. 2001. Social organization in northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus): not driven by deep water foraging? Animal Behaviour 62: 369-377. PDF


Gowans, S. and H. Whitehead. 2001. Photographic identification of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus): sources of heterogeneity from natural marks. Marine Mammal Science 17: 76-93. PDF


Hooker, S.K., and R.W. Baird. 2001. Diving and ranging behaviour of odontocetes: a methodological review and critique. Mammal Review 31: 81-105. Abstract


Hooker, S.K., R.W. Baird, S. Al-Omari, S. Gowans and H. Whitehead. 2001. Behavioral reactions of northern bottlenose whales to biopsy darting and tag attachment procedures. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 99: 303-308. Abstract


Hooker, S.K., S.J. Iverson, P. Ostrom, and S.C. Smith. 2001. Diet of northern bottlenose whales inferred from fatty-acid and stable-isotope analyses of biopsy samples.Canadian Journal of Zoology 79:1442-1454. Abstract


Rendell, L. and Whitehead, H. 2001. Culture in whales and dolphins. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24(2): 309-382 PDF


Smith, S.C. and H. Whitehead. 2001. Reply to R. Clarke and Paliza's comment: "The food of sperm whales in the Southeast Pacific". Marine Mammal Science 17: 430-431.


Whitehead, H. 2001. Analysis of animal movement using opportunistic individual identifications: application to sperm whales. Ecology 82: 1417-1432. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2001. Direct estimation of within-group heterogeneity in photoidentification of sperm whales. Marine Mammal Science 17:718-728. PDF

Top of page

Publications 2000


Baird, R.W., and H. Whitehead. 2000. Social organization of mammal-eating killer whales: group stability and dispersal patterns. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78:2096-2105. PDF


Baird, R.W., and S.K. Hooker. 2000. Ingestion of plastic and unusual prey by a juvenile harbour porpoise. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40:719-720. PDF


Gowans, S., H. Whitehead, J. Arch, and S.K. Hooker. 2000. Population size and residency patterns of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) using the Gully. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 2: 201-210. Abstract


Gowans, S., M.L. Dalebout, S.K. Hooker, and H. Whitehead. 2000. Reliability of photographic and molecular techniques for sexing northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 1224-1229. Abstract


Lucas, Z.N., and S.K. Hooker. 2000. Cetacean strandings on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, 1970-1998. Canadian Field-Naturalist 114: 45-61 Abstract


Mann, J., R.C. Connor, P.L. Tyack, and H. Whitehead (Editors). 2000. Cetacean Societies. Field studies of dolphins and whales. Chicago University Press. 432 pp More information

∙ Baird, R.W. The killer whale - foraging specializations and group hunting. Introduction

∙ Connor, R.C., J. Mann, P. Tyack and H. Whitehead. Introduction: the social lives of whales and dolphins.

∙ Tyack, P., Connor, R.C., J. Mann, and H. Whitehead. The future of behavioral research on wild cetaceans.

∙ Whitehead, H. and L. Weilgart. The sperm whale: social females and roving males.

∙ Whitehead, H. and J. Mann. Female reproductive strategies of cetaceans.

∙ Whitehead, H., J. Christal and P. Tyack. Studying cetacean social structure in space and time: innovative techniques.

∙ Whitehead, H., R.R. Reeves and P. Tyack. Science and the conservation, protection and management of wild cetaceans.


Smith, S.C., and H. Whitehead. 2000. The diet of Galapagos sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus as indicated by fecal sample analysis. Marine Mammal Science 16: 315-325. PDF


Whitehead, H. 2000. Density-dependent habitat selection and the modeling of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) exploitation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 223-230. PDF

Top of page

Publications 1999


Bejder, L., Dawson, S. and Harraway, J. 1999. Responses by Hector's dolphins to boats and swimmers in Porpoise Bay, New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science:15(3): 738-750. Abstract


Dufault S, H. Whitehead, and M. Dillon. 1999. An examination of the current knowledge on the stock structure of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) worldwide. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 1: 1-10. PDF


Gowans, S., and L. Rendell. 1999. Head-butting in northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus): a possible function for big heads? Marine Mammal Science 15: 1342-1350. Abstract


Hooker, S.K., H. Whitehead and S. Gowans. 1999. Marine protected area design and the spatial and temporal distribution of cetaceans in a submarine canyon. Conservation Biology 13: 592-602.Abstract


Hooker, S.K., and R.W. Baird. 1999. Deep-diving behaviour of the northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus (Cetacea: Ziphiidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B. 266: 671-676. Abstract


Hooker, S.K., and R.W. Baird. 1999. Observations of Sowerby's beaked whales (Mesoplodon bidens) in The Gully, Nova Scotia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 113: 273-277. Abstract


Jaquet N., and H. Whitehead. 1999. Movements, distribution and feeding success of sperm whales in the Pacific Ocean, over scales of days and tens of kilometers. Aquatic Mammals 25: 1-13.


Rendell, L.E., J. Matthews, A. Gill, J. Gordon and D.W. Macdonald. 1999. Quantitative analysis of the tonal calls of five odontocete species. Journal of Zoology. 249: 403-410


Smith, S.D., and H. Whitehead. 1999. Distribution of dolphins in Galapagos waters. Marine Mammal Science 15: 550-555. PDF


Whitehead, H. 1999. Testing association patterns of social animals. Animal Behaviour 57: F26-29. PDF


Whitehead, H. 1999. Variation in the visually observable behavior of groups of Galapagos sperm whales. Marine Mammal Science 15: 1181-1197. PDF


Whitehead, H. 1999. Culture and genetic evolution in whales. Science 284: 2055a PDF


Whitehead, H., and S. Dufault. 1999. Techniques for analyzing vertebrate social structure using identified individuals: review and recommendations. Advances in the Study of Behavior 28: 33-74. PDF

Top of page

Publications 1998


Baird, R.W. 1998. An interaction between Pacific white-sided dolphins and a neonatal harbour porpoise. Mammalia 62: 129-134. Abstract


Baird, R.W., P.M. Willis, T.J. Guenther, P.J. Wilson and B.N. White. 1998. An intergeneric hybrid in the family Phocoenidae. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76: 198-204. Abstract


Bejder, L., Fletcher, D. and Brager, S. 1998. A method for testing association patterns of social mammals. Animal Behaviour 56:719-725. Abstract


Christal, J., H. Whitehead and E. Lettevall. 1998. Sperm whale social units: variation and change. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76: 1431-1440 PDF


Connor,R.C., J. Mann, P.L. Tyack, and H. Whitehead. 1998. Social evolution in toothed whales. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13: 228-232. PDF


Dufault, S., and H. Whitehead. 1998. Regional and group-level differences in fluke markings and notches of sperm whales. Journal of Mammalogy 79: 514-520. PDF


Hanson, M.B. and R.W. Baird. 1998. Dall's porpoise reactions to tagging attempts using a remotely-deployed suction-cup tag. Marine Technology Society Journal 32(2): 18-23. Abstract


Hooker, S.K. 1998. Extensive scarring observed on female or juvenile male sperm whales off the Galápagos Islands. Mammalia 62: 134-139. Abstract


Schneider, K., R.W. Baird, S. Dawson, I. Visser and S. Childerhouse. 1998. Reactions of bottlenose dolphins to tagging attempts using a remotely-deployed suction-cup tag. Marine Mammal Science 14: 316-324. Abstract


Whitehead, H. 1998. Cultural selection and genetic diversity in matrilineal whales. Science 282: 1708-1711. PDF


Whitehead, H. 1998. Male mating strategies: models of roving and residence. Ecological Modelling 111: 297-298. PDF


Whitehead, H. 1998. Cultures of whales and dolphins. WDCS Magazine 20: 4-5.


Whitehead, H., M. Dillon, S. Dufault, L. Weilgart and J. Wright. 1998. Non-geographically based population structure of South Pacific sperm whales: dialects, fluke-markings and genetics. Journal of Animal Ecology 67: 253-262. PDF


Whitehead, H., W.D. Bowen, S.K. Hooker, and S. Gowans. 1998. Marine mammals. pp 186 -221 In: The Gully: a scientific review of its environment and ecosystem. (Eds: Harrison, W.G. and Fenton, D.G.) Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa. Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat Research Document 98/83.


Willis, P.M., and R.W. Baird. 1998. Status of the dwarf sperm whale (Kogia simus) with special reference to Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 112: 114-125. Abstract


Willis, P.M., and R.W. Baird. 1998. Sightings and strandings of beaked whales on the west coast of Canada. Aquatic Mammals 24: 21-25. Abstract

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Publications 1997


Baird, R.W., and M.B. Hanson. 1997. Status of the northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 111: 263-269.


Christal, J., and H. Whitehead. 1997. Aggregations of mature male sperm whales on the Galapagos Islands breeding ground. Marine Mammal Science 13: 59-69. PDF


Hooker, S.K., and R.W. Baird. 1997. A Fea's petrel off Nova Scotia: the first record for Canada.Birders Journal 6: 245-248. Abstract


Paquet, D., C. Haycock and H. Whitehead. 1997. Numbers and seasonal occurrence of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, off Brier Island, Nova Scotia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 111: 548-552.


Reeves, R. R., and H. Whitehead. 1997. Current status of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 111: 293-307


Stacey, P.J., and R.W. Baird. 1997. Birth of a "resident" killer whale off Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Marine Mammal Science 13: 504-508. Abstract


Stacey, P.J., D.A. Duffus and R.W. Baird. 1997. A preliminary evaluation of incidental mortality of small cetaceans in coastal fisheries in British Columbia, Canada. Marine Mammal Science 13: 321-326.


Weilgart, L., and H. Whitehead. 1997. Group-specific dialects and geographical variation in coda repertoire in South Pacific sperm whales. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 40: 277-285.PDF


Whitehead, H. 1997. Analyzing animal social structure. Animal Behaviour 53: 1053-1067. PDF


Whitehead, H. 1997. Sea surface temperature and the abundance of sperm whale calves off the Galapagos Islands: implications for the effects of global warming. Reports of the international Whaling Commission 47: 941-944. PDF


Whitehead, H., J. Christal, and S. Dufault. 1997. Past and distant whaling and the rapid decline of sperm whales off the Galapagos Islands. Conservation Biology 11: 1387-1396. PDF


Whitehead, H., A. Faucher, S. Gowans, and S. McCarrey. 1997. Status of the northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus, in the Gully, Nova Scotia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 111: 287-292. PDF


Whitehead, H., S. Gowans, A. Faucher, and S. McCarrey. 1997. Population analysis of northern bottlenose whales in the Gully, Nova Scotia. Marine Mammal Science 13: 173-185. PDF

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Publications 1996


Baird, R.W., and L.M. Dill. 1996. Ecological and social determinants of group size in transient killer whales. Behavioral Ecology 7: 408-416. Abstract


Jaquet, N., H. Whitehead and M. Lewis. 1996. Coherence between 19th century sperm whale distributions and satellite-derived pigments in the tropical Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 145: 1-10. PDF


Jaquet, N., and H. Whitehead. 1996. Scale-dependent correlation of sperm whale distribution with environmental features and productivity in the South Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series135: 1-9. PDF


Richard, K. R., H. Whitehead, and J. M. Wright. 1996. Polymorphic microsatellites from sperm whales and their use in the genetic identification of individuals from naturally sloughed pieces of skin. Molecular Ecology 5: 313-315.


Richard, K. R., M. C. Dillon, H. Whitehead, and J. M. Wright. 1996. Patterns of kinship in groups of free-living sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) revealed by multiple molecular genetic analyses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (U.S.) 93: 8792-8795. PDF


Weilgart, L., H. Whitehead, and K. Payne. 1996. A colossal convergence. American Scientist 84: 278-287. PDF


Weller, D.W., B. Würsig, H. Whitehead, J.C. Norris, S.K. Lynn, R.W. Davis, N. Clauss, and P. Brown. 1996. Observations of an interaction between sperm whales and short-finned pilot whales in the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Mammal Science 12: 588-594. PDF


Whitehead, H. 1996. Babysitting, dive synchrony, and indications of alloparental care in sperm whales. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 38: 237-244. PDF


Whitehead, H. 1996. Variation in the feeding success of sperm whales: temporal scale, spatial scale and relationship to migrations. Journal of Animal Ecology 65: 429-438. PDF


Whitehead, H., and N. Jaquet. 1996. Are the charts of Maury and Townsend good indicators of sperm whale distribution and seasonality? Reports of the international Whaling Commission 46: 643-647.

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Publications 1995


Dufault, S., and H. Whitehead. 1995. The geographic stock structure of female and immature sperm whales in the South Pacific. Reports of the international Whaling Commission 45: 401-405.


Dufault, S., and H. Whitehead. 1995. An assessment of changes with time in the marking patterns used for photo-identification of individual sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus. Marine Mammal Science 11: 335-343. PDF


Dufault, S., and H. Whitehead. 1995. An encounter with recently wounded sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). Marine Mammal Science 11: 560-563.


Faucher, A., and H. Whitehead. 1995. Importance of habitat protection for the northern bottlenose whale in the Gully, Nova Scotia. In Marine protected areas and sustainable fisheries, ed. N. L. Shackell, and J. H. M. Willison. Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada: Science and Management of Marine Protected Areas Association.


Gowans, S., and H. Whitehead. 1995. Distribution and habitat partitioning by small odontocetes in the Gully, a submarine canyon on the Scotian Shelf. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 1599-1608. PDF


Whitehead, H. 1995. Status of Pacific sperm whale stocks before modern whaling. Reports of the international Whaling Commission 45: 407-412.


Whitehead, H. 1995. Investigating structure and temporal scale in social organizations using identified individuals. Behavioral Ecology 6: 199-208. PDF


Whitehead, H., and L. Weilgart. 1995. Marine mammal science, the U.S. Navy and academic freedom. Marine Mammal Science 11: 260-263.

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Publications 1994


Dufault, S., and H. Whitehead. 1994. Floating marine pollution in 'the Gully' on the continental slope, Nova Scotia, Canada. Marine Pollution Bulletin 28: 489-493. PDF


Whitehead, H. 1994. Delayed competitive breeding in roving males. Journal of Theoretical Biology 166: 127-133. PDF

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Publications 1993


Baird, R. W., P. J. Stacey, and H. Whitehead. 1993. Status of the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 107: 455-465.


Dillon, M.C. and J.M. Wright. 1993. Nucleotide sequence of the D-loop region of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) mitochondrial genome. Molecular Biology and Evolution 10: 296-305.


Dufault, S., and H. Whitehead. 1993. Assessing the stock identity of sperm whales in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Reports of the international Whaling Commission 43: 469-475.


Kahn, B., H. Whitehead, and M. Dillon. 1993. Indications of density-dependent effects from comparisons of sperm whale populations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 93: 1-7. PDF


Reeves, R. R., E. Mitchell, and H. Whitehead. 1993. Status of the northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus. Canadian Field-Naturalist 107: 490-508.


Slooten, E., S. M. Dawson, and H. Whitehead. 1993. Associations among photographically identified Hector's dolphins. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71: 2311-2318.


Smith, S. C., and H. Whitehead. 1993. Variations in the feeding success and behaviour of Galápagos sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) as they relate to oceanographic conditions. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71: 1991-1996. PDF


Weilgart, L., and H. Whitehead. 1993. Coda vocalizations in sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off the Galapagos Islands. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71: 744-752. PDF


Whitehead, H. 1993. The behaviour of mature male sperm whales on the Galapagos breeding grounds. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71: 689-699.   PDF

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Publications 1977-1992

Whitehead, H. and B. Kahn. 1992. Temporal and geographical variation in the social structure of female sperm whales. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70: 2145-2149. PDF

Whitehead, H., S. Brennan and D. Grover. 1992. Distribution and behaviour of male sperm whales on the Scotian Shelf, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70: 912-918. PDF

Whitehead, H., S. Waters and T. Lyrholm. 1992. Population structure of female and immature sperm whales off the Galápagos Islands. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49: 78-84.

Whitehead, H. and S. Walde. 1992. Habitat dimensionality and mean search distance of top predators: implications for ecosystem structure. Theoretical Population Biology 42: 1-9. PDF

Amos, W., H. Whitehead, M.J. Ferrari, D.A. Glockner-Ferrari, R. Payne and J. Gordon. 1992. Restrictable DNA from sloughed cetacean skin; its potential for use in population analysis. Marine Mammal Science 8: 275-283.

Hope, P.L. and H. Whitehead. 1991. Sperm whales off the Galápagos Islands during the period 1830-1850 and comparisons with modern studies. Reports of the International Whaling Commission 41: 273-283.

Whitehead, H. and L.S. Weilgart. 1991. Patterns of visually observable behaviour and vocalizations in groups of female sperm whales. Behaviour 118: 275-296.   PDF

Whitehead, H., S. Waters and T. Lyrholm. 1991. Social organization in female sperm whales and their offspring: constant companions and casual acquaintances. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 29: 385-389. PDF

Whitehead, H. and P.L. Hope. 1991. Sperm whalers off the Galápagos Islands and in the northwest Pacific, 1830-1850: ideal free whalers? Sociobiology and Ethology 12: 146-161.

Whitehead, H. 1990. Rules for roving males. Journal of Theoretical Biology 145: 355-368.

Whitehead, H. and L. Weilgart. 1990. Click rates from sperm whales. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 87: 1798-1806.

Whitehead, H. 1990. Mark-recapture estimates with emigration and re-immigration. Biometrics 46: 473-479.

Weilgart, L.S. and H. Whitehead. 1990. Vocalizations of the North Atlantic pilot whale (Globicephala melas) as related to behavioral contexts. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 26: 399-402.

Whitehead, H., J. Gordon, E.A. Mathews, and K.R. Richard. 1990. Obtaining skin samples from living sperm whales. Marine Mammal Science 6: 316-326. PDF

Whitehead, H. 1990. Assessing sperm whale populations using natural markings: a progress report. Reports of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 12): 377-382. PDF

Waters, S. and H. Whitehead. 1990. Aerial behaviour in sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68: 2076-2082.

Whitehead, H. and S. Waters. 1990. Social organization and population structure of sperm whales off the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador (1985 and 1987). Reports of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 12): 249-257. PDF

Carlson, C., C. Mayo and H. Whitehead. 1990. Changes in the ventral fluke patterns of individually identified humpback whales. Reports of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 12): 105-111.

Whitehead, H. 1990. Computer-assisted individual identification of sperm whale flukes. Reports of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 12):  71-77.

Waters, S. and H. Whitehead. 1990. Population and growth parameters of Galápagos sperm whales estimated from length distributions. Reports of the International Whaling Commission 40: 225-235.

Whitehead, H., L. Weilgart and S. Waters. 1989. Seasonality of sperm whales off the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. Reports of the International Whaling Commission 39: 207-210.

Whitehead, H. 1989. Foraging formations of Galápagos sperm whales. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67: 2131-2139. PDF

Papastavrou, V., S.C. Smith and H. Whitehead.  1989.  Diving  behaviour of the sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, off the Galápagos Islands. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67: 839-846. PDF

Arnbom, T. and H. Whitehead. 1989. Observations on the composition and behaviour of groups of female sperm whales near the Galápagos Islands. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67: 1-7. PDF

Whitehead, H., V. Papastavrou and S. Smith. 1989. Feeding success of sperm whales and sea-surface temperatures off the Galápagos Islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 53: 201-3.

Whitehead, H. 1989. Voyage to the whales. Stoddart, Toronto

Katona, S.K. and H. Whitehead. 1988. Are cetaceans ecologically important? Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review 26: 553-568. PDF

Mullins, J., H. Whitehead and L.S. Weilgart. 1988. Behaviour and vocalizations of two single sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus, off Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45: 1736-43. PDF

Weilgart, L.S. and H. Whitehead. 1988. Distinctive vocalizations from mature male sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 66: 1931-7. PDF

Whitehead, H. and C. Carlson. 1988. Social behaviour of feeding finback whales off Newfoundland: comparisons with the sympatric humpback whale. Canadian Journal of Zoology 66: 217-221. PDF

Alling, A. and H. Whitehead. 1987. A preliminary study of the status of the whitebeaked dolphin and other small cetaceans off the coast of Labrador. Canadian Field-Naturalist 101: 131-135. PDF

Arnbom, T., V. Papastavrou, L.S. Weilgart and H. Whitehead. 1987. Sperm whales react to an attack by killer whales. Journal of Mammalogy 68: 450-453. PDF

Whitehead, H. 1987. Updated status of the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 101: 284-294.

Whitehead, H. and T. Arnbom. 1987. Social organization of sperm whales off the Galápagos Islands, February-April 1985. Canadian Journal of Zoology 65(4): 913-919. PDF

Rice, M., C. Carlson, K. Chu, W. Dolphin and H. Whitehead. 1987. Are humpback whale population estimates being biased by sexual differences in fluking behavior?  Reports of the International Whaling Commission 37: 333-335.

Whitehead, H. 1987. Social organization of sperm whales off the Galápagos: implications for management and conservation. Reports of the International Whaling Commission 37: 195-199.

Whitehead, H. 1987. Sperm whale behavior on the Galápagos Grounds. Oceanus 30: 49-53.

Whitehead, H., R. Payne and M. Payne. 1986. Population estimate for the right whales off Peninsula Valdes, Argentina, 1971-1976. Reports of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 10): 169-171.

Whitehead, H. and J. Gordon. 1986. Methods of obtaining data for assessing and modelling sperm whale populations which do not depend on catches.  Reports of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 8): 149-166.

Weilgart, L.S. and H. Whitehead. 1986. Observations of a sperm whale (Physeter catodon) birth. Journal of Mammalogy 67: 399-401. PDF

Whitehead, H. and C. Glass. 1985. The significance of the Southeast Shoal of the Grand Bank to humpback whales and other cetacean species. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63: 2617-2625.  PDF

Whitehead, H. and C. Glass. 1985. Orcas (killer whales) attack  humpback whales. Journal of Mammalogy 66: 183-185.

Whitehead, H. 1985. Why whales leap. Scientific American 252: 84-93.  PDF

Whitehead, H. and J.E. Carscadden. 1985. Predicting inshore whale abundance - whales and capelin off the Newfoundland coast. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 42: 976-981. PDF

Whitehead, H. 1985. Humpback whale songs from the northern Indian Ocean. Investigations on Cetacea (Berne, Switzerland) 17: 157-162.  PDF

Whitehead, H. 1985. Humpback whale breaching. Investigations on Cetacea (Berne, Switzerland) 17: 117-155.  PDF

Whitehead, H. 1985. Benign research on sperm whales in the Indian Ocean Sanctuary.  Journal of the American Cetacean Society 19: 3-7.

Whitehead, H. 1985. Studying sperm whales on the Galápagos Grounds. Noticias de Galápagos 42: 18-21.

Whitehead, H., K. Chu, J. Perkins, P. Bryant and G. Nichols. 1983. Population size, stock identity, and distribution of the humpback whales off West Greenland - Summer 1981. Reports of the International Whaling Commission 33: 497-501.

Whitehead, H. 1983. Structure and stability of humpback whale groups off Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Zoology 61: 1391-97. PDF

Tyack, P. and H. Whitehead. 1983. Male competition in large groups of wintering humpback whales. Behaviour 83: 132-154.

Whitehead, H. 1983. Baleen whales off Sri Lanka. Loris 16: 176-181. PDF

Whitehead, H. 1982. Sperm whales off Sri Lanka. Loris 16: 23-24. PDF

Whitehead, H., K. Chu, P. Harcourt and A. Alling. 1982. The humpback whales off West Greenland: summer 1981. Final Report to Marine Mammal Commission. N.T.I.S. Refereed Publication no. PB82-243924.

Whitehead, H. 1982. Populations of humpback whales in the northwest Atlantic. Reports of the International Whaling Commission 32: 345-353.

Whitehead, H., P. Harcourt and R. Silver. 1982. The migration of the humpback whales along the northeast coast of Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Zoology 60: 2173-9. PDF

Whitehead, H. and M.J. Moore. 1982. Distribution and movements of West Indian humpback whales in winter. Canadian Journal of Zoology 60: 2203-11. PDF

Whitehead, H., and R. Payne. 1981. New techniques for measuring whales from the air. Final Report to Marine Mammal Commission.  N.T.I.S. Refereed Publication no. PB81-161143. 36 pp.

Whitehead, H. 1981. The humpback whales in the Northwest Atlantic: behaviour, ecology and populations.  In: Proceedings of a Workshop on Humpback Whales of the western North Atlantic, Boston, Nov. 1980.  Final Report to N.M.F.S. Appendix II-B: 35-58.

Whitehead, H. and R. Payne. 1981. New techniques for assessing populations of right whales without killing them. In: Mammals of the Sea, Vol. 3. FAO Fish. Ser. 5, Rome, Italy: 189-209.

Katona, S.K., and H.P. Whitehead. 1981. Identifying humpback whales using their natural markings. Polar Record 20: 439-444.

Whitehead, H., P. Harcourt, K. Ingham, and H. Clark. 1980. Migration of the baleen whales past the Bay de Verde Peninsula, Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Zoology 58: 687-692.

Katona, S., B. Baxter, O. Brazier, S. Kraus, J. Perkins and H. Whitehead. 1979. Identification of humpback whales by fluke photographs. In: Behavior of Marine Animals, Vol. 3.  Edited by H.E. Winn and B.L. Olla.  Plenum Press, New York: 33-44.

Perkins, J. and H. Whitehead. 1977. Observations on three species of baleen whales off northern Newfoundland and adjacent waters. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 34: 1436-1440. PDF

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Last Updated January 2024 by Hal Whitehead