One focus of the research in Hal Whitehead's lab is the biology of the northern bottlenose whales in the Gully, a submarine canyon off Nova Scotia.
Relevent references
Gowans, S., H. Whitehead, and S.K. Hooker. In press. Social organization in northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus): not driven by deep water foraging? Animal Behaviour. [abstract]
Hooker, S.K., H. Whitehead, and S. Gowans. In press. Ecosystem consideration in conservation planning: energy demand of foraging bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) in a marine protected area. Biological Conservation. [abstract]
Hooker, S.K., and H. Whitehead. 2002. Click characteristics of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus). Marine Mammal Science: in press. [abstract]
Hooker, S.K., H. Whitehead, S. Gowans, and R.W. Baird. 2001. Fluctuations in distribution and patterns of individual range use of northern bottlenose whales. Marine Ecology Progress Series: in press. [abstract]
Dalebout, M.L., S.K. Hooker, and I. Christensen. 2001. Genetic diversity and population structure among northern bottlenose whales, Hyperoodon ampullatus, in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79: 478-484.[abstract]
Gowans, S. and H. Whitehead. 2001. Photographic identification of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus): sources of heterogeneity from natural marks. Marine Mammal Science 17: 76-93.
Hooker, S.K., R.W. Baird, S. Al-Omari, S. Gowans and H. Whitehead. 2001. Behavioral reactions of northern bottlenose whales to biopsy darting and tag attachment procedures. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 99: 303-308. [abstract]
Hooker, S.K., S.J. Iverson, P. Ostrom, and S.C. Smith. 2001. Diet of northern bottlenose whales inferred from fatty-acid and stable-isotope analyses of biopsy samples. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79:1442-1454.[abstract]
Gowans, S., H. Whitehead, J. Arch, and S.K. Hooker. 2000. Population size and residency patterns of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) using the Gully. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 2: 201-210. [abstract]
Gowans, S., M.L. Dalebout, S.K. Hooker, and H. Whitehead. 2000. Reliability of photographic and molecular techniques for sexing northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 1224-1229. [abstract]
Gowans, S., and L. Rendell. 1999. Head-butting in northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus): a possible function for big heads? Marine Mammal Science 15: 1342-1350. [abstract]
Hooker, S.K., H. Whitehead and S. Gowans. 1999. Marine protected area design and the spatial and temporal distribution of cetaceans in a submarine canyon. Conservation Biology 13: 592-602. [abstract]
Hooker, S.K., and R.W. Baird. 1999. Deep-diving behaviour of the northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus (Cetacea: Ziphiidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences 266: 671-676. [abstract]
Whitehead, H., S. Gowans, A. Faucher, and S. McCarrey. 1997. Population analysis of northern bottlenose whales in the Gully, Nova Scotia. Marine Mammal Science 13: 173-185. [abstract]
Whitehead, H., A. Faucher, S. Gowans, and S. McCarrey. 1997. Status of the northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus, in the Gully, Nova Scotia. Can. Field-Nat. 111: 287-292. [abstract]
Faucher, A. and H. Whitehead. 1995. Importance of habitat protection for the northern bottlenose whale in the Gully, Nova Scotia. pp 99-102. in: Marine protected areas and sustainable fisheries. (Eds. Shackell, N.L. and Willison, J.H.M.) Science and Management of Protected Areas Association (SAMPA), Wolfville, NS, Canada. [summary]
Reeves, R.R., E. Mitchell and H. Whitehead. 1993. Status of the northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus. Can. Field-Nat. 107: 490-508. [abstract]
Faucher, A. and L.S. Weilgart. 1992. Critical marine mammal habitat in offshore waters: the need for protection. pp 75-78. in: Developments in landscape management and urban planning, 7. (Eds: Willison, J.H.M., Bondrup-Nielsen, S., Drysdale, C., Herman, T.B., Munro, N.W.P., and Pollock, T.L.) Elsevier, Amsterdam-London-New York-Tokyo. [summary]
![]() | Last Updated February, 1999 by Sascha Hooker |