Hal Whitehead

July 2024


The compiled version of SOCPROG allows users to use the programs without a version of MATLAB. This is obviously a benefit, but there are some costs. The flexibility of MATLAB is lost in the compiled version: you cannot change the code to do exactly what you want, or use results produced by SOCPROG for further analyses in MATLAB. For many users, the biggest drawback may be that the figures and graphs produced cannot be modified easily (in the uncompiled version they can be altered quite easily in a huge range of ways). However, the figures can be exported (e.g. as .emf files) which can be edited by other programs.


This compiled version of SOCPROG2.10 (unlike the uncompiled version) is designed to be used with fairly recent versions of Windows–I don’t think it works on other platforms (MAC or LINUX).  [However, Note from Thibaut Bouveroux on 13 March 2017: “I have a MacBook pro, with the OS X El Captain. I have installed Parallels Desktop 12, which allows to run Windows in a Mac. Then I have installed Windows 7 family pack and installed SocProg 2.7, and all is working perfectly… I have also tried Windows 8 pro 64bit, but SocProg wasn’t working with this version.”].


Installing compiled version of SOCPROG2.10:


After clicking “Download compiled SOCPROG2.10” you will receive a zipped folder (


1.     Extract to a convenient folder.  It will contain two subfolders:

a.     for_redistribution_files_only

This contains files that can help you use SOCPROG, including the Manual, and example Excel files (of the form sim***.xls).

b.     for_redistribution

This contains MyAppInstaller_web.exe which installs the compiled version of SOCPROG on your computer.  Click on it to start the installation process (making sure you are connected to the internet).  It will install an app named “SOCPROG”.

2.     Open the SOCPROG app to run compiled SOCPROG.


Other Notes:


1. In the compiled version of SOCPROG, the MATLAB command window is replaced by a simple “DOS” screen in which results are reported. By clicking on the top left “C:\” symbol you can find options for selecting, and copying, text which can then be pasted into other applications (see above note if you have problems with this).


2. As noted above, the figures produced by the compiled version of SOCPROG have many less options than those using the uncompiled version. However, there are a few options (adding a legend for instance; changing the axis labels), and you can save the figure in various formats which can then be manipulated by other applications.


Please let me know of problems ( and I will try to rectify them in future versions.